We are dadicated and professional to our work to make better society…
Aashar Aalo Foundation is a unique and ultimate rehab centre for both men and women who need care, guidance and support from experts who will help them to get a successful life. We are having separate hostels for both the genders and special care is being taken for girls/female/women. We know how to deal with the whole concept as we have been doing it for years. People have faith in us that you can understand by our testimonials from our relieved patients. We keep the whole process very confidential and respect the privacy of their lives.
We are being certified and accredited nationally by the National Human Rights Commission, Pledge for Drug Free Rewa – Drug Free Campaign & Narcotics Control Bureau – Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs. These certificates already prove us authentic and worthy of the whole aspect. Our experts are specialists from the industry. We will help you to deal with the best professionals and any type of issues are being handled with care and cured perfectly.
We are giving you a range of services which are definitely offering you a better and healthy lifestyle that will ultimately give you a range of new hope. You can gain the best benefit of understanding the best aspects that are within our service is the trust and new hope to live a healthy life. All you need here is care and love which is abundant here and you will certainly get the best feeling in our rehab. It’s your second family who are helping you to move on.